As we know, one of the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is about good health and well-being. Before discussing further, I would like to give a little explanation about the SDGs.
The SDGs are a global sustainable development agenda created and agreed upon by leaders in the world to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment. The SDGs have 17 goals and 169 targets for a global action plan that is valid for 15 years (valid from 2016 until 2030). For more details, we can see in the picture below that shows the 17 goals in the SDGs:
As we can see in the picture above, one of the SDGs' goals is health and well-being (see the website sdg2030indonesia.org).
What does the 3rd SDGs goal relate to well-being?
Of course, this is related. In simple terms, I define well-being as a condition in which a person feels comfortable, physically and mentally healthy, and also happy. When a person is in this condition, he will have a positive attitude towards himself and others, have a purpose in life, and make his life more meaningful by always exploring and developing himself. So, it can be concluded that well-being is a condition for a person to feel prosperous both physically and mentally.
Well, this article will discuss what workplace well-being is and why it is important in work life. In my opinion, this is an important issue to discuss. I think there aren’t few people who end up feeling stressed, become sensitive to conflict, or even end up with a mental health disorder. The International Labor Organization (ILO) defines workplace well-being as something that relates to all aspects of working life, starting from the quality and safety of the physical environment, the feelings of workers about their work, the work environment, to the work culture in the companies they live in.
Is workplace well-being important?
For me personally, workplace well-being is important. Why? Because in the end, workers’ well-being is a factor that can determine the company’s long-term survival. In my opinion, workplace well-being has a positive correlation with an employee’s productivity or work performance. That way, it will also have a positive impact on the company.
You’ve heard the term “humanizing human beings”, haven’t you? I’m sure most of you have heard of the term. I love the term “humanizing human beings” because the term shows that humans should be treated properly, not only in the workplace but everywhere. To put it simply, if we want others to value, respect, treat us well, etc. then we must behave that way towards others. Life is about symbiotic mutualism, isn’t it?
In an organization in a company, the most important resource they have is human resources, yes employees. There are many ways that companies can create employee well-being in the company. For example, companies provide other benefits beyond salary, such as providing training on soft skills and hard skills related to business lines or job responsibilities, guaranteeing occupational health and safety by providing insurance, and creating a comfortable company physical environment. The goal is to create commitment between employees and the company and vice versa.
Okay, I try to take another simple example. For example, by giving appreciation and recognition for work performance. Yes, appreciation and recognition of work performance is a form that everybody can do in the company, not only from the leader to the employee or vice versa but entirely (among employees). There is nothing wrong with giving appreciation, by creating a positive environment that can also help create workplace well-being and it could be that in the long term it will also help realize the 3rd goal of the SDGs.
Hopefully, we can contribute to realizing this 3rd SDGs goal!